Yep, I put a picture of me up on screen, I was feeling particularly brave when I launched this website! I’m Helen Gray, and today I am enough, but when I hit rock bottom I was broken and had to rebuild my life and work and relearn how to be.
I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a student, a worker and a leader. I am also an EX practicing Social Worker. My experience has helped me get clear on one fact – Work should not be harmful to your wellbeing.
The vision of Helen Gray – Living Well, Working Well is to empower stressed out practitioners in the Health & Social Welfare sector with the awareness, knowledge and practical tools to prevent Moral Distress, Vicarious Trauma and Burnout. I support practitioners to develop sustainable caring strategies so that they are not broken by the system and can continue to care! Through this I strive to be an example of how it can be different.
By sharing my story and ongoing learning I give you and others out there permission to put yourself first so you can continue to work and care..

Life is for Living, not just existing!
How many times have you flopped into bed, exhausted, with a list of to do things running through your mind and an unhealthy dose of self criticism screaming in your head?
Well enough is enough – You cannot continue to care for others if you don’t start taking care of yourself. It is time to make some conscious choices about your Life and Wellbeing and start putting yourself first.
You don’t need to get to breaking point before you start to make the changes that will enhance your Life and Wellbeing. But trust me when I say that if you don’t start listening to your own warning signals you will eventually break – it is inevitable!
# of babies from my one and only pregnancy
# of years I have been in Australia
# of years spent in Social Work arena
% of days I am thankful for my life
Contact Me
More Info
Address: Rockdale, NSW 2216 Australia
Phone: 0401 089 293
Business Hours: I will respond promptly whilst ensuring I maintain my own wellbeing.