There were warning signs, but I didn’t listen. I had to hit a brick wall, reach total breakdown before I could allow myself to put me first. I know what it is like as a Social Worker, I understand the pressures, the overwhelm, the never ending demands from management and the lack of time to do it all. And I understand the joy and satisfaction it gives and get why you keep on pushing through. My hope is that through sharing my journey, and my teachings you can see your options more clearly, equip yourself with the resources you need and be empowered to know your wellbeing matters too!.

Fill your own cup first!
You are of no use to others if you are at Burnout, if you are trying to keep on working in the depth of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma.
When you are depleted physically and emotionally you are not able to give your best.It is from the overflow of your own full cup that we can serve others.
I believe in the intrinsic goodness of humanity, and hold very dear honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. We are stronger together.
The System is broken but that isn’t changing anytime quickly so we have to look after ourselves first. I believe that we can find strength through shared experiences and that my training’s may be of value to you.
My cup, Your cup
There are insight that comes with hindsight.
There is much already written and known about the impact of Social Work on the individual.
My vision is to raise awareness about this and to provide specialised support for practicing Social Workers.
I present this knowledge through the lens of my experience.
This will support you to pay attention to your own needs and develop the skills and practices to keep your own cup full as you continue to support others.

The ripple effect
My intention is to be Living Well & Working Well doing things I love.
By supporting others and playing my part in the world, I hope the ripples will flow outwards and shine a light on the value of every individual.
When life seems to have you trapped you need to dig deep and nurture yourself first.
I do not know your individual story, but I know our profession and maybe something of my experience will resonate for you and if it does then I want you to lean in and join me.