Workplace Wellness

Motivational Speaking
Wellness in the workplace is vital for individuals and the companies and people we support. Taking a look at your own needs and warning signs is an important step in order to make conscious changes to enhance your wellness in life and work. My workplace presentations can be tailored to fit your event and company needs. From brief motivational speeches to interactive workshop events I can tailor my experience to support your needs.
Management Workshops
If your organisation is committed to ensuring your employees are working well it starts from the top. I design and facilitate self exploratory workshops for Management teams to look at their own Workplace wellness and the messages they are giving through what they do over what they say! Tailored to meet your companies needs and culture I deliver hands on Workshops to support wellness in management and throughout the workforce.

Creating a safe environment for team exploration I deliver tailored team workshops and presentations to enable individuals to focus on their Workplace Wellness within their current team environment.
I provide access to self paced online learning and consultations for Individuals who need further support or wish to take their learning and self care practice further.