Blog Posts

Mandatory 1,000 hours unpaid social work placements. An unrealistic requirement for aspiring practitioners.

Mandatory 1,000 hours unpaid social work placements. An unrealistic requirement for aspiring practitioners.

In Australia, social work students must complete a thousand hours of work placement as part of their degree. The majority of those are mandatory unpaid placements. The 1,000 hours tend to be completed in two 500-hour blocks. Whichever option, that’s a significant block of time students are required to sacrifice from earning a living.

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Cultures of CARE.

Cultures of CARE.

As a well-being coach, I'm passionate about helping organisations and leaders create a culture of CARE. Why? Because a caring culture leads to a positive and supportive work environment that prioritises all employees' mental health and well-being. I support this...

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Personal and Professional Self-Care

Personal and Professional Self-Care

‘You’ve gotta live it, to give it’ Lisa Chu MD What is self-care? Self-Care is a universal concept and need. It’s the individual’s attitude and actions that contribute to the maintenance of their well-being and health. There’s general acceptance that healthy...

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