Blog Posts

If it’s not ME… then what is it?

If it’s not ME… then what is it?

In professions like Social Work the goal is not to try to eliminate the impact of the work, but to understand it and ensure we build in structures to support the basic demands of doing the work effectively. Professional Wear & Tear, preventing Burnout in Social Work

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We are going to need you when this is over…

We are going to need you when this is over…

When this is all over and things go back to some form of 'normal' we are going to need our Social Workers more than ever. We need you now - on the ground doing the work - BUT we will need you just as much, if not more, when this is over. Over the coming months you...

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Gratitude Hygiene

Gratitude Hygiene

A post on Linked-In last week really sparked my interest – the idea proposed was simple, but like many simple ideas the impact could be significant. In our new found climate of talking about our hygiene routines the idea of singing Happy Birthday twice every time you...

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Don’t forget the Basics

As the New Year rolls in you can be forgiven for thinking that 2020 is not starting out as we would have hoped. Here in Australia the new decade has come with fire, fear and loss the extent of which is simply unimaginable. My heart goes out to those facing such loss...

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Taking it one day at a time…

Taking it one day at a time…

We can all be guilty of trying to change everything in one go… you know those times when you decided to become a morning person and wake at 4.30am, do the meditation, gratitude, exercise gym session, green smoothie and connect with your higher power – all before the...

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