by admin | 28 9, 2023 | Uncategorized
Social work is built on the ethos of service to the well-being of others. But what about you? Should your service to others come at the expense of your well-being? Is the profession that advocates social justice and equity leading by example? In Australia, social work... by admin | 21 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
As a Social Worker for over 20 years I have experienced many different organisations and versions of ‘effective supervision and support’. As a certified Coach who is committed to being coached for my own development, as I coach others, I have also experienced the... by admin | 22 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
On the days when you really are not sure if you can keep going… when you feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the work, like all your efforts are just a drop in an ever more turbulent ocean, you are not alone in wondering ‘is it me?’ What are you doing... by admin | 29 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
I went to the garage this week as my car has major engine trouble and is going to be in the shop for weeks… but it made me reflect, not about my car but about my emotional wellbeing. This time I was able to handle the situation, deal politely with the customer service... by admin | 8 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
Over the past few years I’ve found myself observing helping professionals and reflecting back on my own experiences and wondering how anyone actually does it anymore. How do we provide care and service support when the fundamentals of the system we operate in seems...