When this is all over and things go back to some form of ‘normal’ we are going to need our Social Workers more than ever.
We need you now – on the ground doing the work – BUT we will need you just as much, if not more, when this is over.
Over the coming months you will be asked to give more than you have. You will be expected to do the impossible, in impossible situations. You will be tempted to push your needs aside to just get it done, to get through this. That’s what we do right?
But we will need you when this is over – an emotionally healthy YOU, a physically well YOU, a psychologically sound YOU and a passionate YOU.
Social Workers will lead the recovery of society when this is over. We need you to look after yourself now… so that we can know you will be able to keep going when this is over.
Even Wonder Woman took off her bracelet, Superman takes off his suit!
You are the modern day superhero (you and all the others working on the front line). But everyday we face this uncertainty and challenge I need you to let yourself take off your amour and take a breath – Your Well-being Matters everyday, more so than ever now.
Know that it is OK for you to also feel the fear and overwhelm. Know that it is OK for you not to have all the answers or access to all the resources. Know it is OK not to get it right every time at home and with your loved ones. Know that good enough changes with every new day… BUT most of all know that YOU ARE WORTHY OF SELF-CARE and COMPASSION too.
It is the small things you do for your well-being daily to look after your needs, feel and process your emotions, to recharge and find joy in even the hardest of days that will matter.
Looking after yourself is just as important as looking after others. Now more than ever your professional responsibility includes looking after your own well-being.
We will need you when this is over – We will need your training, your skills, your passion, your vitality, your commitment, your dedication, your fight, your pursuit of justice and fairness, and your compassion.
We will need our social workers – so please every day as you go out there to support and help others – put yourself and your well-being at the heart of all you do.
So let me help you for a while…
I care Because YOU Care… and I want to support you to keep well as you keep on going so that when this is over you are able to support the disadvantaged and vulnerable to get back up again too. Let me help you to ensure you will have a steady hand, a vibrant soul, a compassionate mind and a well body to do the work.
I have opened up my Because YOU Care Community & Membership program to all Social Workers and front line caring professionals for free for the next 3 months (well $1 to access the platform).
You can access the stored library of Guided Self-Care Practices and bite size weekly self-care and well-being lessons and there will be a new one added each week. Join me every month for a group coaching call to share positive ways of supporting professional sustainability and well-being. Find a community of like minded positive and pro-active professionals who care about themselves just as much as they do others.
We need you now and thank you for all you are doing.
But we will still need you when this is over!
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay well and please look after your own needs too.
Helen x