Natural Care for the whole family.

3 years ago my life took a dramatic turn, overnight I changed from an active high achieving full time professional mum to well, Just ME. I had pushed myself too far for too long, I ended up breaking down and having to relearn how to be me and put my health and wellbeing first.

In doing that I embraced natural solutions for my whole family’s emotional and physical wellbeing through doTERRA essential Oils. As a total sceptic I initially didn’t understand the power or impact these pure, natural therapeutic grade Essential Oils could have on my life or that of my family. Now I realise they are at the core of our daily wellness routine and our first line of defense.

At home the Home Essentials kit of 10 of the top oils are always on the side ready for a regular workout to support the whole household. I have On Guard (the protective immunity blend) in my non toxic cleaning spray, Lavender in my laundry detergent (yep I make it – but you don’t need to), Lemon as a daily refresher in my green tea or water and always handy the Digestzen for stomach pains and digestive upsets. Not a day goes by when these are not being diffused or used topically throughout the home and with our family.

Now my kids are getting used to a different way of me supporting their needs but the new Kids Collection is an empowering kit of 6 appropriately diluted rollers to support the whole child – Body, Mind & Heart. This is a game changer – I can let my kids have free range with these rollers, keep in their bedroom, school bags or readily available at home and I love to see how they to turn to natural supports for their health and wellbeing. Kids intuitively know what they like and need but the great little fact cards help them to choose the right oil for the right emotion. Aimed at 3-10 year olds it is perfect for kids and the big kid within!

For a while getting the right essential oils to support our newborns and little babies was more challenging. The new Baby Collection now supports our littlest family members with beautifully pure and gentle essential oils infused baby lotion, hair and body shampoo and diaper cream. I don’t have babies in the house much anymore but I still love the Baby Lotion (if I can get it back off my daughter). It is reassuring to know that what you put on your babies skin is safe and nurturing – always.

Whilst I’m supporting the whole family’s wellbeing I always try to put my own needs at the forefront and the Emotional Aromatherapy Touch collection is the perfect Mumma survival kit. With 6 emotional blends in easy to use and carry roller bottles you have support for all range of emotions at your fingertips. I never leave the house without these oils and they are my constant support throughout the day and evening. Cheer brings a burst of citrus joy to my day whilst Peace gets a workout when the kids begin to push buttons – a great one for mum at bedtime!

I have learnt the importance and value of natural solutions and self-care and I’m passionate about sharing and educating other mums and dads to use these natural tools to support their family daily. If you are ready to empower yourself, your family and provide the purest nurturing care for your kids then you need look no further. Reach out chat with me (Contact Me) or get started with your own essential oil journey here.